Luck of the Draw Guidelines

Open to all WBENC-Certified WBEs and National Members with full Conference passes, tickets to the Friday Brunch and Roaring Twenty Twenties Soiree can be secured via the Luck of the Draw process:

  • WBENC-Certified WBEs and National Members with full conference passes will need to opt into the Luck of the Draw process when registering for the event. Each individual can have one entry into the drawing.
    • NOTE: Exhibitor Packages do not automatically generate an entry into the Luck of the Draw, you must register each individual and opt in to be included in the drawing process.
  • The Luck of the Draw opt-in opportunity closes on January 15th at 11:59 PST.
  • WBENC will draw names and individuals who opted in will receive notification of their outcome by January 19th.
  • Winners will have until January 31st to claim their ticket – RSVP is required to claim your ticket if selected. There is no cost to claim a ticket, they are complimentary to Luck of the Draw winners.
  • Conference registrants who did not win during the first drawing will automatically be added to the Luck of the Draw waitlist. If any unclaimed tickets become available, members of the waitlist will be notified via email in early February.
  • Companion passes are not available for Friday activities.

For all questions about the tickets for the Friday activities, please email

Additional Ticket Distribution

Through Engagement with WBENC: Because of the long term and deep engagement of the following groups, they will each automatically receive a specific number of tickets. RSVP is still required.

The following groups receive the following number of tickets:

  • Each WBENC Board of Director receives one ticket
  • Each Women’s Enterprise Forum member receives one ticket
  • Each WBE Star receives two tickets
  • Each America’s Top Corporations receives two tickets
  • Sponsorship packages each include a specific number of tickets corresponding to their sponsor level (speak to your CRM to learn more)

Please note:

  • These groups will receive an email asking them to RSVP and claim their tickets. RSVPs will be due by January 31st.
  • These tickets are non-transferable.
  • Companion passes are not available for Friday activities.
Luck of the Draw FAQs
Other than Brunch and the Soiree, is there programming for WBEs on Friday?

Outside of those two events there is no additional programming.

How should I book my hotel room if I don’t know if I will win the Luck of the Draw?

Yes, we encourage you to book through Saturday if you are interested in participating in the Friday Invite-Only and Ticketed Activities. If you are not selected, you can adjust your hotel reservation before February 12, 2024.


What if someone on our staff wins the Luck of the Draw, but the CEO doesn’t? Can we transfer our winning ticket within our company?

Yes, if someone within the company wins but the ticket is better suited to be used by a more senior leader you can give your ticket to that person.

Are there different tickets for the Brunch and the Soiree?

No, you will receive one ticket for the entire day.

Does the ticket for Friday’s activities cost anything?

No, there is no additional cost for the ticket, it is a bonus add-on to your week!

How do I opt into the Luck of the Draw?

Attendees must register prior to January 15th. During the registration process there is a question asking if you would like to opt in. Make sure to say “yes” and note which of the Friday activities you are able to attend.