
Leonard J. Smith

Southern Company

Supplier Sustainability & Inclusive Growth (SSIG) and Governance Director

Leonard joined Southern Company in 1996 at Southern Nuclear as a Maintenance Engineer. He received his Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) license in 2001 at Farley Nuclear Plant. At Farley, Leonard worked in the Operations group with positions of Shift Support Supervisor, Shift Supervisor and Shift Manager until 2009. He transferred to the Maintenance Department as a Fix-It-Now (FIN) Manager and later, moved to the Assistant Maintenance Director position, then Maintenance Director in 2010. Leonard left Southern Company for law school in 2012. He graduated from Faulkner Law School in 2015 and is a licensed attorney in Alabama. After law school, Leonard worked in Southern Nuclear Supply Chain as a Principal Contracts Agent before becoming Supply Chain Manager at Gulf Power Company in 2016. In 2018, Leonard became the SCM Director of Supplier Diversity and Shared Services. Currently, Leonard serves as the Director of the Supplier Sustainability and Inclusive Growth (SSIG) and Governance.

Leonard attended Auburn University where he earned degrees in Electrical Engineering and MBA.
In his spare time, Leonard enjoys playing basketball, golfing and reading.

Leonard is the president of the Auburn University Basketball Lettermen’s Club and generates wills, power-of-attorney (POA) and advanced directive documents pro-bono for underserved communities. He previously served on the Nemours Children’s Specialty Hospital Advisory Board in Pensacola, FL.

Originally from Tuskegee, AL, Leonard met his wife, Pam, at Auburn University and has spent most of his 20 years of marriage in Dothan, AL, Spanish Fort, AL and currently Pelham, AL. Leonard and Pam have four beautiful daughters Jalyn, Averi, Aubrie and Jordyn.