In 2024, WBENC continues its inspiring tradition by celebrating the WBE Stars for their remarkable achievements, contributing invaluable leadership, innovation, and influence on the dynamic business landscape. Each handpicked by one of the 14 Regional Partner Organizations (RPOs), these women serve as a wellspring of inspiration for others within their communities. The recognition they receive through the WBE Star Award is a powerful testament to the profound impact they’ve made in their respective business environments.

The 2024 WBE Stars received their accolades at the vibrant WBENC National Conference, a grand event held from March 19-22, 2024, in Denver, Colorado. This conference was a hub of innovation and networking, drawing nearly 5,000 entrepreneurs and business leaders who celebrated the accomplishments of these extraordinary women.

But the celebration doesn’t end there. Throughout 2024, WBENC will continue to spotlight these trailblazing women in various dynamic formats, including an engaging article series and captivating feature articles in WE USA Magazine this summer. Prepare to be inspired!

Meet Linda A. Hamilton, award-winning CPA and Founder of Grow, Profit, Scale (GPS), a strategic business advisory firm for female CEOs, with the Women’s Business Enterprise Council Metro New York (WBEC Metro NY) Regional Partner Organization. The CPA firm is headquartered in New York City and has served business owners and nonprofits for more 3 decades. The firm offers Controller Level accounting services and advises U.S. businesses and international companies doing business in the U.S on tax matters. The firm provides business and tax advisory services for growth-focused companies and nonprofit organizations. The consulting division, Grow Profit Scale, LLC. helps business owners and professional services advisors to build value & grow their companies in their Grow, Profit, Scale mastermind and coaching programs. They offer discovery sessions, business health checks, Critical Client Flow®, & Concierge Level SYSTEMology™ services. GPS help businesses align goals with both personal and business vision, finance, and accounting. Documenting business systems can make or break a business as it grows.

A frequent and sought-after speaker, Linda is in demand for her expertise in business and tax planning, financial fluency, budgeting, succession planning, business process improvement, and using a simple business plan as roadmap to growth and profitability.

Get inspired by Linda and stay tuned for our 2024 WBENC Stars article series throughout 2024!

GPS helps business owners create growth plans that focus on hiring, scaling, and exiting their businesses successfully. The Grow, Profit, Scale Signature Process guides WBEs in identifying and closing gaps in revenue, profit, operations, finances, and planning. Linda also reviews her clients’ tax structures and helps them optimize their profits, increase their business value, and pay themselves what they deserve.

The Metro New York ecosystem and partnership with Capital One has allowed her to add her expertise in supporting the bankers of Capital One and the Metro New York team as they deliver valuable programs much needed by the WBE community. It is the collaboration and the genius of the group that helps them collectively add value for the WBEs they serve. As a WBE herself, Metro New York helps her find clarity in how she can best serve all stakeholders.

The 2024 theme is AMPLIFY. What does AMPLIFY mean to you?

“To me, AMPLIFY means increasing the volume and impact of female entrepreneurs and their businesses. It means providing them with the resources, support, and platform they need to be heard, recognized, and successful.”

Wisdom from WBE Star, Linda A. Hamilton
When and how was your business started?

There are many reasons I was drawn to the accounting and tax industry. One reason is that I see business and taxation as a puzzle, and I am drawn to helping business owners and taxpayers solve puzzles. After working for Coopers & Lybrand, I started my New York City firm in 1990. The tax code is more like a maze than a puzzle, so our firm makes sure that taxpayers understand how taxes impact business decisions.

What is one way you recommend people to “AMPLIFY” the impact of the WBENC network in the next 2 years?

Take advantage of the programs, conferences, mentoring, and all that WBENC offers. I see support and collaboration from so many places – other WBEs, corporate sponsorship, RPO leaders and team members.

How are you planning to AMPLIFY the mission of the WBENC network during your time as a WBE Star?

One way I plan to AMPLIFY the impact of the WBENC network in the next 2 years is by expanding my outreach efforts and setting an example for others in a position to give.

Over the years, I have mentored and given free assessments and strategy advice to countless female business owners that are just getting their businesses going. I have supported and guided these ladies in getting their WBE applications submitted so that they could expand their resources and opportunities for connection and growth and will continue to advocate for WBENC and its affiliated certifications and programs in the years to come.

Additionally, I will hold my NY Metro ladies accountable for taking advantage of all of the resources that WBENC provides; I would not be where I am without the support and guidance from the smart, savvy women in my local RPO.

Provide an example of how innovation helped you overcome a challenge, pivot, or adapt your business.

As businesses struggled, I sought ways to support my clients in adapting to the new economic landscape. Inspiration struck when I discovered ‘SYSTEMology®’, a book offering a straightforward framework for establishing critical business systems. This methodology was especially relevant as many businesses were trying to recover financially.

Adopting this system-based approach has been transformative. Having a solid plan and adaptable systems in place not only supports the business during fluctuations but also prepares it for unforeseen changes. Inspired by the impact of SYSTEMology®, I took a step further and became a Certified SYSTEMologist. Now, I not only manage my firm more effectively but also help my clients implement this process. This has led to improvements in operational efficiency and greater profits for them. It’s about having a roadmap for your business that allows you to navigate the constant shifts in life and work successfully, and I’m now equipped to guide others on this path.

What areas of innovation do you foresee for women entrepreneurs over the next few years?

AI and exit planning. AI is game changer for small businesses. I train my students how to use AI in creating their business plans and improving their systems and processes. The importance of exit planning is becoming an accepted business strategy for growth and profitability.

What have you learned about yourself as a leader from mentoring or coaching others?

I love teaching as much as I love learning. I curate what I learn and share it with my students, employees, and clients to help them reach their full potential.

What do you view as benefits of being part of the WBENC network?

Collaboration, connections, networking, friendships, education, best practices, support and more.

How has engaging in the WBENC Network as a Certified WBE helped your company?

Being involved with the Sage Advice Program allows me to give back to the women’s business community by sharing my considerable expertise in accounting, taxation, and strategic business planning. The Metro NY ecosystem has enabled me to have a greater impact on empowering and elevating women business owners. It is different from the feeling I get from serving as a CPA to business owners where I help them solve challenging financial and tax problems. My joy comes from watching the WBEs use my best practices in strategic planning to help them take effective action and run a better business by growing revenue and profit while improving their businesses’ value.

What suggestions would you like to share with a newly certified WBE who is looking to get involved in the WBENC community?

When you first join any organization, it can be a little overwhelming. Be sure to network and meet people. We are all here for the same reason. Share your insights with other WBEs as we can only grow stronger together. Attend educational opportunities to help you maximize growth and success. The more you put in, the more you will get out.

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